Piano Lessons vs. Being Self-Taught: Which Is Better?

Most people who have reached the pinnacle of their crafts have received assistance from some source. Whether it’s a family member, friend, or some unexpected gift, success isn’t always just a one-man show. But we also know stories of individuals willing to glory with a spattering of motivational thoughts and dreams that were driven from within. 

Whether you’re searching for singing lessons in the Glen Mills, PA, area or loading up a YouTube video for your brand new piano, the ladder to success will always start at the bottom. If becoming good at playing the piano is your goal, then it’s important to build your ladder by learning the pros and cons of piano lessons and self-teaching to choose the right option for you.

The Self-Taught Extraordinaire

Like any instrument, playing the piano without support is an endeavor only for the most daring of learners. If you believe you qualify, it’s important to go into the process making as few assumptions as possible and understanding the difficulty of embarking on the journey alone. That means having a strong understanding of yourself and your habits, being comfortable with not knowing how good you truly are, and taking extra steps to ensure your process is correct.

Know Yourself

Learning piano on your own means you will only be driven by your curiosity and knowledge and the desire you have to teach yourself how to play. While this desire can get you a long way, every piano player knows the importance of self-awareness and being able to judge yourself accurately. As much as you might’ve thought that rendition was up to par, if you listen and hear a few mistakes, you must be honest with yourself. 

Be Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

It might get lonely along the way or difficult to continue, and you might be extremely scared of showing lots of people the product of your work. Having a piano teacher gives you peace of mind that you’re doing the right thing, which can go a long way to making you comfortable with your knowledge and ability to take musical risks. Embarking on the journey alone means preparing yourself to be comfortable with many uncomfortable situations.

Take Extra Steps to Get Things Right

A piano teacher can teach you the important things but also has the experience to give you little tips and tricks that helped them. That’s why when you’re learning on your own, you must take a few extra steps to ensure you cover your bases correctly. That might mean playing the same incorrect notes over and over or dealing with inconsistent sounds that take you a few weeks longer than you expect to correct.

Taking Lessons From an Expert

You’ll never go wrong with lessons from someone who taught piano to hundreds of others. Many of the best composers and musicians have started with lessons from a teacher. Getting music lessons ensures you’ll learn how to play piano with a keen understanding of the basics while also giving you the peace of mind that you’ll get the right learning material and do a good job throughout the process.

Understand the Fundamentals

Fundamentals are the keys to music, and anyone who taught pianists from the ground up knows the importance of the basics. Understanding how to read music and laying the foundation for a good knowledge of music theory is valuable and best done through a pro. The personalized instruction of a music teacher cannot be beaten, especially not when working alone.

Build Better Habits

In addition to the fundamentals, building good habits and patterns ensures you can master every key. Playing the piano is all about muscle memory to ensure a smooth performance. You must also have the right body, arm, and hand posture. Your piano teacher can help you build these habits that working alone can’t possibly help you identify.

Balanced Learning That Ensures Perfection

Whether playing a digital piano or a grand piano, having the right pace ensures you master each step you’re on. How can you be sure you’re ready to move on if this is your first rodeo with that lesson? A piano lesson taught by a pro can ensure you don’t go head over heels trying to master things you aren’t yet ready for.

Receive the Guidance Needed to Become the Best Pianist You Can Be!

A piano is a beautiful instrument, and if you want to learn to be the best pianist you can be, starting with professional lessons prepares you for the road ahead. Singing Pro X provides a host of classes with expert instructors — including our piano lessons for West Chester, PA, residents — that offer everything you need to be an expert in your field. Reach out today, and don’t miss out on the foundation you need to take your piano skills to a new level.