How Do Private Singing Lesson Help Me Improve?
In the car, in the shower, on stage — everybody’s got their preferred venue to belt out a tune. However, if you think your singing voice could use some work, you may have considered private singing lessons. But how do they actually help? Here, we’ll take a closer look at what you can expect from private singing lessons and how they can improve your voice, strengthen your understanding of music, and give way to positive personal attributes out in the world.
“Tone Deaf,” No More
The term “tone deaf” has been used to describe people who can’t seem to carry a tune, but this blanket generalization doesn’t mean they’re never destined to learn to sing. If you have trouble distinguishing notes or getting your voice to reach a certain pitch, private singing lessons are the way to go. Singing teachers can help you find different notes — and hold them — as well as teach you about musical scales and how to dial into the correct notes while singing. Solid foundational principles are the key focus of private singing lessons!
Control Your Breath and Maximize Lung Usage
If you love to sing — and sing loud — you may run out of breath and find yourself skipping parts of your favorite songs to gasp for air. With the proper vocal training, you’ll be able to learn how to control your breathing and keep in time with the music. Maximizing your lung usage will help you make the most out of those extra-long notes and moments that need powerful delivery the most — without having to turn blue in the face.
Expand Your Vocal Range
Simply put, your vocal range is the breadth of notes you are comfortable singing. That high note you can’t quite seem to reach? It’s out of your current vocal range. When you get together with a voice teacher, you’ll be able to pinpoint what your range is and what songs cater best to it. However, it’s important to note that vocal range is not a set-in-stone quality. Private singing lessons give you the chance to find your vocal style and expand your vocal range — potentially by entire octaves!
Protect Your Voice
If you ever have a blast singing along to songs at a concert and have a sore throat the next day, you know what it’s like to strain your vocal cords. Singers must be careful not to damage their voices, and since singing teachers are very familiar with their mechanics, they can impart vocal techniques that will help you avoid fatigue.
Learn About Music Theory
Singing along to tracks you have listened to countless times doesn’t need a deep understanding of music theory to pull off. However, music is more than simply hearing and repeating sounds. Familiarizing yourself with scales, chords, different types of notes, and even timing will make you a considerably more well-rounded musician in general. Being able to look beyond the primary melody of a song — and even achieve harmonies — is the mark of an excellent singer.
Build Confidence
Singing in front of an audience can seem overwhelming, especially if you’re considering private singing lessons for the first time. However, with all of the training outlined above — as well as hours and hours of practice — you’ll feel better equipped to take the stage or even record. This benefit doesn’t only apply to singing, either; private singing lessons can benefit work presentations and other instances of public speaking.
For more information about how private singing lessons help you improve, reach out to us today!